Let’s all give a huge Beverly Youth Soccer Association shout-out to our THREE newest USSF-Licensed Referees – Elizabeth Wilder, Declan McHugh, and Joseph Lacrignola!  Incredible work guys! Those badges are looking sharp.  Can’t wait to see the three of you patrolling our fields this spring, making sure that each and every game is played with the highest standards of fairness and safety.  If any players coming to visit Beverly were thinking of bringing anything less than their cleanest game?  Think again.

Refs – did you know that BYSA will reimburse your licensing fees, AND you’ll earn more per game once you have your license in hand?  Amazing!  Every ref and aspiring ref should follow the lead of these three spectacular turf detectives and get licensed as soon as possible.


Elizabeth Wilder

Elizabeth Wilder

Declan McHugh

Declan McHugh

Joseph Lacirignola

Joseph Lacirignola